Hello and Welcome to our Lancaster Dentist Office.

Lancaster Dentist office conviently located near Antelope Valley Hospitle

We look forward to a long and lasting friendship with you. We would like to tell you a little about our office and beliefs.

We understand that choosing a new dentist and a dental team can be a challenge, leaving you with some uncertain feelings. We are writing this to inform you of the different services we offer to our patients and why. Some time ago we wrote a mission statement briefly stated it is this.

We believe that people have the right to become as healthy as they choose to be. Our desire is to work specifically with those people who wish to achieve a higher sense of self-esteem and their ability to sustain health. We achieve this by providing dental health care of the highest quality that each patient can accept that is consistent with his or her dental needs and individual value for health.

In short, our goal is to help you become as healthy as you choose to be. This is a major departure from what you are used to. Instead of telling you how healthy you should be, we try to help you understand your choices about dental health and let you make an informed choice regarding health and treatment needs.

Your first decision in this regard is how you would like to begin your relationship with us. There are four ways on which people choose to be treated in our practice.





Please feel free to ask us any questions that come to mind, we want you to share your thoughts and ideas with an open and comfortable manner. You deserve to have the standard of dental care that is consistent with your value for health. When communication is open and concern for each other’s welfare is high, successful results are more likely to occur.

Yours in the interest of better Dental Health,

John Tookey, D.D.S.


Want to be ahead of the game for your consultation?

Complete the patient forms before your appointment, this will give you time to go over them and form your question before the consultation. Contributing to the overall satisfaction of your visit.

Download the patient forms Here

Explore your financial options Here

Learn about potential treatments Here

John H Tookey DDS Inc.
